I remember the first time when I went to the job interview.
After arriving at the time and at the place, I was directed to go to a room where I was met by a girl, who was the manager and by a young boy who was her assistant.
I was dressed in almost complete suit, but I had forgotten my tie.
After the initial greetings and during my introduction, she suddenly greeted me, said that everything was fine, but at the same time asked about my tie.
I said:
-My tie is at home resting, maybe sleeping. I apologize, but I did not know you were interested in knowing and having an approach with my tie. Sorry. But I have a great idea, I can describe it for you.
It´s black like me, fine, handsome, beautiful, pretty, long, in this part (at that moment I was pointing to that area between the end of the shirt and the belt of the pants, where it was supposed to be the longest part of the tie), in the head is bigger, could say that huge by the standards and she interrupted me and asked to stop.
After then the auxiliar said: "He's approved."
And the manager said:
-What do you mean, practically, we have not even asked him questions?
The young man said:
-He answered everything I needed to know.
She smiled and asked some questions related to my CV, my skills and explained about the working conditions and the type of service.
Before leaving I said to him:
-Depending on the results of this interview, I promise I'll show you my tie tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and every day until you want, but just SHOW, no more, nothing more. OK?
Two days later I received an email with the proposal of contract hiring me.
I will not tell you anything else, because it would be an invasion of privacy and will be punished by law.
I can only say that no one loses a piece for showing anything.
I am very satisfied in my service.
Good luck to you all.